2205 Plaza Dr, Suite 250 , Rocklin , CA, 95765

Integrative Pelvic Health

Pregnancy and Post-Partum
Pubic Bone Pain
Tailbone Pain
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Hip Pain
Low Back Pain
Painful Intercourse
Urinary Leakage
Fecal Incontinence/Smearing/Gas
General Weakness/Altered Mobility
Diastasis Recti
Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction
Cesarean Section Scar Pain
Perineal Pain from Tearing/Episiotomy
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pregnancy and Childbirth Preparation:
Attention to the pelvis once you become pregnant is crucial to having a pain-free pregnancy, and easier recuperation after the baby is born. Habitual movements patterns, obliquities in the pelvis, that may have been pain-free before pregnancy, can become bothersome as the baby grows inside you, changing the way you hold your posture, walk and generally move. Stretching tight muscles, strengthening weak muscles, working on posture and good body mechanics and proper movement patterns can make your pregnancy a success!
Post-Partum Care Should be a Standard of Care:
Your body has been through a traumatic process, whether your birth was vaginal or cesarean section. Working on pelvic alignment, strengthening, scar massage, posture and body mechanics now, will make sure that you can lift your baby without pain and prevent disability. Once we give birth to a child, our bodies are always post-partum. We can have rib flare, diastasis recti, develop poor posture, weak abdominals. Get your body strong and healthy again
When you come for your appointment, I see only you and you see only me. You are not passed off to another therapist. I am not treating several other patients simultaneously. I provide trauma-informed, one to one care.
Private and Professional Facility